About Us
Sankofa Leadership Network provides strategic leadership support services to organizations and individuals across the US building inclusive environments that yield more equitable and excellent outcomes.
In communities across the United States, growing diversity has brought new talents, resources, and opportunities for businesses and the people they serve. These shifting demographics also highlight systemic challenges and inequities that our institutions must address with urgency in order to flourish and meet the opportunities, needs, and expectations of our communities.
It’s critical that we prioritize developing and retaining a workforce diverse in skills / expertise / and cultural backgrounds to help redesign systems and environments that produce stronger, more equitable results. Sankofa Leadership’s team of consultants specializes in support for organizational transformation.
Once your organization has announced a goal and commitment as ambitious as equity, you’ve opened the door and taken the first step into a journey of discovery, discomfort, and ultimately, a new way of engaging your work.
As you take on this public journey, cultural shifts within the organization — including new expectations, needs, pain points, and opportunities — begin to emerge, presenting unique challenges.
For over 20 years, Founder and CEO Anika Ward has worked to improve outcomes for youth and families through partnerships that leverage the power of community voice, vision and leadership. Anika works with museums, state + local government, and healthcare organizations across the region of Minnesota.